This is a website dedicated to showing off my grass eating, pasture raised poultry and the delicious and nutritious eggs they lay! Take a few minutes and browse through the plethora of cool things here. You can view pictures of my chickens, find out what makes my chickens' eggs better than most, and how to contact me to buy or trade to have a few eggs of your own! Thanks for visiting - please visit again soon!

.:~~Chicken Scratchings Blog~~:.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New roosters

The other day completely out of the blue, my nice big Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster fell over, never to crow again.  It was a sad day - he was such a nice fellow for a rooster and had a great personality. :-(  The next morning I put an ad on Craigslist looking for anyone in the area who had a BLRW rooster to sell because I eventually would like to mate him with the two BLRW hens I have here (and some other breeds as well) and keep the neat colored chickens a-coming.    I received a reply from someone who happened to have bought his BLRW chickens from the same person I did (a local person).  Fantastic!  We went to visit with him and came home with two BLRW roosters and a Black Australorp rooster.  Great!!  I was pretty thrilled.  Until this evening I had them separated from the others in the summer coop in the vineyard and they appear to be doing quite nicely.  Sometimes roosters will fight (sometimes to the death...) but these guys appear to get along well, probably since they've grown up together.  Tonight I moved the BA rooster into the truck with the hens and tomorrow I hope to move the two BLRW hens along with the Rhode Island Red/Production Red hens into the run with the two blue roosters to hopefully get some fertile eggs!  The reaction when I put the BA rooster into the truck tonight was just hilarious.  Like a kid in a candy shop - 36 hens all to himself!! :-)  Sometimes when a new chicken is introduced to a flock (hen or rooster) there is a lot of pecking and squaucking until the pecking order is established, but tonight these hens were being very nice to him.  Let's hope that continues!  Maybe they miss the male influence they've been without for the last few days.  This guy seems to have a similar personality to my passed on Blue - docile and just lovable and easy-going.  (If you don't believe me that a chicken can be lovable, stop by sometime and I'll introduce you to him. :-) )  

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