This is a website dedicated to showing off my grass eating, pasture raised poultry and the delicious and nutritious eggs they lay! Take a few minutes and browse through the plethora of cool things here. You can view pictures of my chickens, find out what makes my chickens' eggs better than most, and how to contact me to buy or trade to have a few eggs of your own! Thanks for visiting - please visit again soon!

.:~~Chicken Scratchings Blog~~:.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The prodical peachicks are back...

Today Keith found two more of the brown baby chicks and then the big white peachick appeared on the front lawn as well.  So that brings my total back up to 4 of the 7 birds back where they belong.  Tomorrow night after they've found a place to roost, I'm going to go look back on the other side of the yard and see if the missing 3 are around or if I can't find them and can assume that they have met an untimely end at the teeth of some wild critter from the corn field...  :-(  We'll see!!  But 4 out of 7 isn't bad either and hopefully they can stay nice and cozy in the calf hut until Sandy comes next and then she can see them... :-)

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