This is a website dedicated to showing off my grass eating, pasture raised poultry and the delicious and nutritious eggs they lay! Take a few minutes and browse through the plethora of cool things here. You can view pictures of my chickens, find out what makes my chickens' eggs better than most, and how to contact me to buy or trade to have a few eggs of your own! Thanks for visiting - please visit again soon!

.:~~Chicken Scratchings Blog~~:.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So now that the winter months of no green grass are approaching, I'm researching ways to keep the fantastic high Omega-3 eggs still coming.  Flax is a great source of Omega-3 so I started looking specifically at places to buy flax seed to mix in with their current rations of chicken feed and corn.  I found a place ( that sells discounted flax screenings at a pretty great price, however, because these are screenings, weed seeds are also mixed in.  My farmer husband isn't so keen on the idea of adding more weeds to the yard so I was about to go to plan B.  However, thanks to the wonderfulness of Google search I found through a couple links from researchers saying that chickens destroy 98% of all weed seeds!  How cool is that?!  Chickens are the most effective at this being that all their food goes through the grinding process of the gizzard which ruins all those weed seeds.  So, not sure yet, but it appears as though there's a good change their eggs will remain high in Omega-3s all winter long!  I'll keep you posted... :-) 

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