This is a website dedicated to showing off my grass eating, pasture raised poultry and the delicious and nutritious eggs they lay! Take a few minutes and browse through the plethora of cool things here. You can view pictures of my chickens, find out what makes my chickens' eggs better than most, and how to contact me to buy or trade to have a few eggs of your own! Thanks for visiting - please visit again soon!

.:~~Chicken Scratchings Blog~~:.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Funny ducks!

My four runner ducks are fascinating to watch.  They trot around the yard looking at everything and usually quacking up a storm, especially when they find something they like, like a puddle. :-)  The other interesting thing is that there are always four of them together, we never see them apart.  Well, today I looked out the window and found only three quacking up a storm in the front yard.  I immediately went outside to find out if someone was hurt and all I heard was one loud quacking from the other side of the yard, so knew that she/he was ok. :-)  Later on I went looking for the missing one.  And I found her somehow stuck inside the other chicken run on the other side of the yard.  It was rather she was on one side and the other three were cuddled up in the grass on the other side of the run wall.  Still had to be together!  I tipped the run up and she did run out then, much to the thrillment of all involved... :-)

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