This is a website dedicated to showing off my grass eating, pasture raised poultry and the delicious and nutritious eggs they lay! Take a few minutes and browse through the plethora of cool things here. You can view pictures of my chickens, find out what makes my chickens' eggs better than most, and how to contact me to buy or trade to have a few eggs of your own! Thanks for visiting - please visit again soon!

.:~~Chicken Scratchings Blog~~:.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The cold days are upon us...

Well, it's officially winter now and the egg laying and fresh grass are slim to none.  Time to settle in for the winter and keep warm!
A note about eggs:
As there is very little grass, what is here is covered in snow, and the chickens are being fed all corn and other feed, the nutritiousness of the eggs is at a low.  There are also fewer eggs at this time of year because of the lack of warm sunny days.  Please watch this blog or your email (if I'm in regular contact with you) and I'll let you know when everything's back to normal again and eggs will be for sale again.  From me and all my hen friends, we thank you for your business this past year and we look forward to connecting with and meeting you all again in Spring 2010!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!